"I found the staff at National Legal Service to be kind, caring and compassionate. They have always answered questions promptly and in a way that was easy for me to understand."
Families can be complicated, issues at home can be stressful and emotionally taxing. No matter the area of family law you require assistance with, our compassionate and empathetic solicitors are on hand to help you navigate the legal options available to you in order to reach a prompt resolution.
Our team in Sheffield have represented families from across South Yorkshire. We hold expertise across the family law spectrum and are often called upon to provide legal advice on matters including, but not limited, to:
Our family solicitors in Sheffield are led by highly regarded family lawyer Evelyn Todd, who has over 30 years professional experience in the area of family law. Like many of National Legal Service’s family solicitors, Evelyn is a member of Resolution and skilled at constructive negotiation and mediation to limit conflict and more swiftly resolve what can be very upsetting circumstances.
We want to make this challenging time as easy as possible and understand the urgency of resolving disputes in an effective, timely, and above all, fair manner.
Located in the busy city centre, National Legal Service’s family solicitors in Sheffield are easily accessible to all clients in the local area. We undertake work on both a private and legal aid basis, and as one of the country’s largest suppliers of Legal Aid to victims of domestic abuse, can quickly advise on means testing and eligibility to ensure there are no delays in accessing vital legal representation.
If you require a family solicitor in Sheffield, get in touch in confidence. Call us on 020 3601 5051 to speak to someone right away. Alternatively, you may arrange a free consultation via our online form (below).
We know that no two cases are ever the same and we are dedicated to guiding you through the legal process with tailored solutions which work for you. Fill out the form below to request your free consultation today.
Dowgate Hill House, 14-16 Dowgate Hill,
London, EC4R 2SU
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