National Legal Service Secures Non-Molestation Order (NMO) with Extension for Woman Experiencing Domestic Abuse

National Legal Service Secures Non-Molestation Order (NMO) with Extension for Woman Experiencing Domestic Abuse

Rachel* (*not her real name) instructed us towards the end of 2019 to assist with her application for an ex-parte Non-Molestation Order, which meant that the decision could be made without the respondent giving permission – owing to the heightened danger our client faced at the time.

Rachel was in a relationship with the man for 11 months, a period which was fraught with incidents of violence and abuse. Rachel’s three children witnessed the violence and abuse she was subjected to.

Attacks included Rachel being strangled to the extent that she would fall unconscious, only to be woken up by him punching her in the face. In addition to this, other serious events included Rachel being punched, pinned against walls and her head being pushed against the dashboard of her car.

Our client understandably feared for her life. This led to us supporting her with her application for the ex-parte NMO, with a follow-up application requesting the extension of this Order for a period of 12 months.

With the guidance of our expert team – who made sure Rachel had everything she needed during the process to ensure a successful outcome – she was able to secure the NMO on both counts.

Rachel is now protected from further harm and physical abuse until the end of 2021

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