National Legal Service Turn 5 Years Old

National Legal Service Turn 5 Years Old

This week we celebrate the 5-year anniversary of National Legal Service Solicitors, recently I took a few moments to reflect upon the journey and our achievements over this time.

From 2 locations in London and 20 employees, today we have 19 offices that cover the length and breadth of the England with over 150 employees.

Over the past 5 years, with and thanks to Kirsty Richards and Kate Probert by my side, we have navigated many challenges and grasped even more opportunities to become the recognised name we are today.

With Sheena Donlon leading our 6 specialist care teams, we have been able to rapidly build our reputation amongst our many children guardians, which is a testament to the skill and expertise we have here at NLS.

I feel both privileged and proud to lead the teams I do every day, and I wholeheartedly believe in our mission to “make a positive impact on people’s lives” because I genuinely believe we do.

Over the past 5 years, we have helped 18,000 clients secure protective injunctions enabling them to start a new chapter in their lives.

I saw a quote this week that said…

“There are only 2 people in this world that you need to make proud, It is not your mum or your dad, not your husband or your wife, not your kids, It is the 8 year old version of YOU, AND the 80 year old version of YOU”.

I would like to think the 8 year old version of me would be proud of what we have achieved over the past 5 years, and I would say to the 80 year old to be, we have only just begun.

I really want to succeed with “educate a generation” in both recognising and stopping abuse as early as possible, in enabling future generations to recognise the signs of domestic abuse, and to reduce the number of children that experience this insidious crime, who suffer from it and in some cases end up deeply troubled and embroiled in their own court proceedings as adults; through history repeating itself (either as victim or perpetrator), or end up alcohol and drug dependent, or with mental health issues and even social services involvement with their own children.

To all the teams at NLS, to our partners, and to our clients, thank you for being part of our journey.

Happy 5th Anniversary all.


Jon Chappell 

Chief Operating Officer

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