Tish Reel

Tish Reel

Tish specialises in care work, representing parents, Guardians, competent children and extended family members such as Grandparents. Often the cases she deals with involve complex issues around parental or childhood, mental health difficulties, substance abuse, neglect, domestic violence, non-accidental injury and sexual abuse. In proceedings, she frequently undertakes her own advocacy to allow for consistency in representation for clients.

Tish works hard to ensure the best outcome for clients from the very beginning through to the end, working closely with her clients throughout. She is adept at dealing with vulnerable clients, and working alongside interpreters, intermediaries, Advocates and the Official Solicitor. She has a working knowledge of Punjabi and can understand Hindi and Urdu.

Tish is a member of a Children’s Representative as a member of the Children Law Accreditation Scheme, as well as being an accredited member of Resolution specialising in private law and children matters too.

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