Advice On Facing A Violent Ex-Partner At Court

Advice On Facing A Violent Ex-Partner At Court

National Legal Service Solicitors has supported over 3000 victims of domestic abuse in the past year. One of the biggest fears expressed by our clients is the potential of having to face their violent ex-partner in court.  We hope this blog can offer some advice on what to do if you find yourself in this position.


  • Some courts offer separate waiting rooms. While the facilities vary, it is recommended you call the court and request a separate room.


  • You can also request the court to put ‘special measures’ in place. This can include putting a screen to protect you from seeing your ex-partner or in extreme situations, arranging for you to give evidence by video link.


  • We always encourage our clients to bring a friend or family member to court for support (they may not be allowed in the court room if the other party objects but they can support you before and after the hearing)


  • If you are worried about being abused by your ex- partner on your way home, you can wait in the court building for a short period until they have left the building. If you explain the situation, the court security staff could also escort you to your vehicle.
  • In some courts there is a side or back exit that court staff will arrange for you to use if you are worried.

If you are the victim of domestic abuse, you may qualify for legal aid and therefore may be able to get legal representation to support you even more.

If you’re not entitled to legal aid (due to income or assets) , you act in person but instruct us to undertake a particular task in your presence such as the drafting of a statement; the drafting of court pleadings etc.

For more information, please review our fees page or  contact us 0203 601 5051

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