Natasha* (name has been changed) had left her ten-year relationship after many years of being subjected to controlling and coercive behaviour. After continual emotional and mental abuse, which had an impact on her mental wellbeing and private life, she needed assurance that her former partner would not continue to be abusive when dealing with issues regarding their shared children.
In addition to this, Natasha’s ex-partner also threatened to not return the children to Natasha in an attempt to continue to exert his control.
Natasha didn’t want to stop the children’s’ father from having contact with them, but she did want the abuse to stop, and she wanted a Child Arrangement Order (CAO) to ensure terms were met and that the children remained living with her.
We were recommended to Natasha through professional channels and, after hearing her story, we ensured that a Non-Molestation Order was made and that she got the protection she needed and deserved.
The order also included a provision that any arrangements regarding contact with the children were by text message only and that handovers were to be facilitated through a third party.
The result was that the Child Arrangement Order was made, which set out contact rights with the father, while confirming that the children lived with their mother.
Natasha now has peace of mind that it is clear to the children’s father when he can spend time with them. She is also happy that she has the protection she needs, and, thanks to a Power of Arrest being attached to the order, her ex-partner has also shown more restraint with regards to his behaviour.