National Legal Service Helps Mother Rescind Parental Rights of Non-Biological Ex-Partner

National Legal Service Helps Mother Rescind Parental Rights of Non-Biological Ex-Partner

Amanda* (name has been changed) was with a partner who coerced her into naming him as the father of her daughter on the birth certificate, despite the fact that he was not the biological parent of the child.

After finding us though a referral from a domestic abuse support agency, Amanda, who was also physically abused by her ex-partner, requested our help in reversing this situation and gaining protection for her and her young daughter.

We helped Amanda to apply for an Ex-Parte Non-Molestation Order. An ex-parte order is useful when one party doesn’t want a partner or ex-partner to know about the NMO they’re applying for. It is helpful in situations when someone requires protection quickly or if they feel they would be in more danger if the partner was to find out about the order before having been applied for.

Following the Ex-Parte NMO, we sought to terminate the parental responsibility of the ex-partner by obtaining a Child Arrangement “Live With” Order (CAO) and a Prohibited Steps Order (PSO). This prevented him from removing the child from her home, which was something he had threatened to do on a number of occasions.

During the court hearing, Amanda’s former partner’s parental responsibility was terminated and both the CAO and PSO were granted.

Amanda is now expecting her second child and can move on with her life. She is looking towards the future and has peace of mind that her ex-partner has no legal rights over her child.

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