Have you been invited to a PLO meeting?

Have you been invited to a PLO meeting?

What is a Public Law Outline (PLO) Meeting?

If a local authority is involved with your family, you will have a social worker assigned to do direct work with you and your child/ren.  There are a few levels of social work intervention such as children in need plans, child protection plans, PLO intervention and court proceedings.

When social workers have been working with a family for some time and/or if serious concerns are highlighted as to the safety of any child/ren in the family, the local authority can decide to invite parents to a Public Law Outline Meeting (PLO) or a pre-proceedings meeting. A Public Law Outline meeting tends to be the last opportunity to try to resolve matters by agreement prior to the issue of care proceedings.  If care proceedings are issued, you are entitled to free legal advice – legal aid – and you should not delay in securing representation ahead of the first hearing date.

What is the purpose of the PLO meeting?

The main reason for the meeting is to discuss the concerns the local authority has in respect of the perceived safeguarding concerns for the children, this could be due to neglect, suspected abuse, domestic abuse in the parents’ relationship or a child/ren that is beyond parental control.  The local authority will discuss what needs to change and they will explore if an agreement can be reached to prevent the commencement of court proceedings.

Parents are advised to instruct their own Solicitor who can then attend the PLO meeting with them. Together with the social worker and the Local Authority’s Solicitor, they can then try and reach an agreement as to how to keep their child safe and well.

If an agreement can be reached, the local authority will draw up a written agreement which will need to be signed by the parents. A PLO meeting may also be used to inform the parents that care proceedings are being commenced if they feel the risk of harm to the child is too high.

What do I do if I have received a letter?

If you receive a letter inviting you to a  Public Law Outline (PLO) Meeting it is vital that you seek urgent legal advice. If you are a parent you will be entitled to legal aid and will have representation at that meeting for free. If you are not a parent but are the main carer for the child, you may still be eligible for free legal advice. 

If you wish to seek advice in relation to Social Services involvement, please contact Kirsty Richards on Kirsty.richards@nationallegalservice.co.uk

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