National Legal Service Secures Protection for Young Mother from Abusive Ex-Partner

National Legal Service Secures Protection for Young Mother from Abusive Ex-Partner

Earlier this year, National Legal Service were instructed by Nova* (not her real name), through an urgent referral made by National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV).

Nova was a young Mother who found herself in an abusive relationship with the father of her child.

Having been in a relationship with her now ex-partner for two years she was regularly abused, subjected to emotional, verbal, and physical, abuse, which manifested itself in him shoving, strangling, and stamping on her head. Verbally he would abuse her by repeatedly calling her “bitch”, “slag”, “slut” and other abusive names. He also continued to harass Nova which was frightening due to how unpredictable he could be.

The NLS team took initial instructions from Nova, a witness statement was completed on Nova’s behalf and an application was submitted to the Court for an Ex-Parte Non-Molestation Order which was granted in an interim order. At the return hearing the Non-Molestation Order (“NMO”) was declared final by the Court for 12 months.

Whilst Nova is not yet entirely free of the family court; National Legal Service continue to support her in Child Arrangements Order proceedings. We are pleased to tell you Nova was incredibly happy with the NMO obtained. She is regaining her confidence and is moving forward with her life.

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