Sheena Donlon

Sheena Donlon

Sheena is the head of the newly formed care team which has plans to grow and develop at National Legal Service. She conducts a range of family cases although specialises in public children law proceedings.

Sheena is an accredited member of the Law Society Children Panel and specialises in public law proceedings, representing children through their Guardians, parents, grandparents and other family members. Sheena has considerable experience in advocacy and conducts the majority of her own advocacy. She specialises in care and supervision proceedings as well as secure accommodation application and adoption. Sheena has a great deal of knowledge dealing with issues of neglect, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, fictitious illness and non accidental injury. Whether representing the child through their Guardian, a parent or a family member Sheena is extremely thorough in ensuring that her client is fully advised throughout the proceedings in order to ensure that the best possible outcome is achieved. Sheena also remains committed to pro bono work and regularly assists the most vulnerable members of society.

Practice area & years of experience

Public law proceedings

Qualified in 2010

Law Society’s Children Panel accreditation 2014

Education & Professional Memberships

LLB Law – College of Law – graduated in 2006

Law Society Children Panel  and Resolution

What were you doing and where at before you arrived at National Legal Service

Prior to joining as the head of care at NLS, Sheena was a director at Duncan Lewis at the Barnet Branch.  Sheena’s area of work focused on public law proceedings although Sheena also was regularly instructed in private law children matters as well as non molestation applications.


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