Serena* was signposted to NLS as she needed legal advice in respect of the domestic abuse she was experiencing.
Serena and her partner had been in a relationship from 2018 to January 2022. They weren’t married and didn’t have children together. Serena’s partner was often abuse, with instances of abuse taking place throughout the relationship.
Serena’s former partner was controlling, telling her what clothes to wear and discouraging her from meeting up friends and speaking with family. As a result, she didn’t have contact with her family for the four-year duration of their relationship. When her phone rang, her ex-partner accused her of having an affair. He was verbally abusive and displayed threatening behaviour including suggesting that he would arrange for Serena to be physically beaten.
Following the end of the relationship, he continued to harass Serena with calls and messages and physically struck her in January in a drunken attack, resulting in bruising to the eye area.
Serena reached out for help when police were unable to provide her with an update regarding whether or not his bail conditions would be extended.
With Serena’s case referred to us, National Legal Service worked quickly to help Serena apply for a Non-Molestation Order (NMO). An NMO is a form of injunction applied by the court which prevents the offending party from contacting the victim or subjecting them to any kind of harassment or violence.
As Serena was determined to be on a low income, we were able to arrange for public funding to pay for the costs of the order and the associated legal support needed.
We made an application to the court for the NMO, which was granted and served to the Respondent. As a result, Serena has the legal protection in place she needed to protect herself from her ex-partner. She now feels safe and is able to move forward with her life.
*Not real name.