National Legal Service Helps Secure Prohibited Steps Order (PSO) for Woman Concerned for Children’s Safety

National Legal Service Helps Secure Prohibited Steps Order (PSO) for Woman Concerned for Children’s Safety

After finding National Legal Service online, Alice* was able to obtain a prohibited steps order or PSO after initially having difficultly proving that her children were at risk of being harmed from the respondent in question.

Without a Non-Molestation Order (NMO) in place from previous exchanges with solicitors acting on her behalf, our team set about building a case to ultimately secure legal protection for Alice’s children.

Because our client didn’t initially meet the gateway evidence requirements relating to domestic violence and child abuse cases where legal aid is granted, we helped Alice prepare an initial witness statement and court documents inclusive of a draft PSO.

A neighbour had initially reported hearing children crying at the family home, after which they were subsequently removed by the local authorities.

During an online case at Birmingham Family Court, our client was able to gain a PSO based on evidence used in the report issued by social services and local authorities. This also granted Alice enough gateway evidence to secure public funding towards legal costs.

At a return public hearing in which the respondent failed to attend, the PSO was ultimately finalised.

Alice now feels happier after the court ruling, which has meant that her children are now safe and secure after being returned to her care.

*Not real name.

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