Earlier this year, National Legal Service were instructed by Shabnam* (not her real name) We met Shabnam via an urgent referral from the National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV).
Shabnam had suffered in an abusive marriage with the father of her children. Although she was no longer in the relationship his abuse continued over several years; Shabnam also feared her children were potentially at risk of forced marriages.
Shabnam had already been through court proceedings some years earlier to gain protection from him however, due to his continued abuse she needed to make a new application for a non-molestation order from the court.
In retaliation to the application and in a further attempt to control Shabnam her ex-husband maliciously applied for a prohibited steps order alleging she intended on leaving the country with the children when there was no such intent.
Shabnam found herself facing an urgent directions hearing which she was only made aware 3-4 days prior to the hearing.
National Legal Service quickly made an urgent application with the Legal Aid Agency for funding on the matter which was obtained within 24 hours.
The NLS team represented Shabnam at the urgent hearing and subsequent hearings, making successful submissions against granting the Prohibited Steps Order.
Shabnam feels calmer knowing she has a team to support her and that her case is in the right hands, she knows we will do what is necessary to ensure that the Father does not abuse the courts as a way of further subjecting Shabnam to controlling and abusive behavior.